Kanwar Grewal Singer Information

Contact for more info : 0941 795 7035
Mail Id : kanwargrewalinfo@gmail.com
Presenting Kanwar Grewal. It's time to. A voice stuns you out of your blur under a sharp sun as your car grazes a national highway. Just like the road snakes out of the city chaos with trees bending over - celebrating journeys - a voice uncoils out of a CD and begins a snake dance, bending low, to raise its hood in naked fearlessness. It rides untamed winds, singing to the skies. It presses lustily into cotton-balls and silks, before setting on fire, the hearts of the Passionate. Like some Sufi that side of the Wagah, its choral embroidery barely allows you a whisper: Who the hell is this!
Presenting Kanwar Grewal. The voice of the album, Akhaan. The voice the worlds of bhajan sandhyas and Punjabi aficionados know, love and have begun to obsess about. It's finding its way, out of the womb of something beautiful. You can see its upward arrow. You can see: it's Coming Soon.But, its owner is a troubled man. Under a carelessly wrapped turban, his eyes burn coals. "I'm stepping into fire. A seat of sin. I can feel the fangs of fame," murmurs he, sitting on the floor of a Khanna.
He's not been easy to trace. The phone's always unreachable. He'd like to be too. But something's tugging at a corner of him. The lure of audience. Fame's first honey drops. He's smacking his lips. He likes the taste. And he hates this. He could've pointed a gun at himself as he says: "I am no faqir. Had I been one, I would've been in my kutiya, singing to my guru, my bebe. As I have, since 2010."
Hungry for the rewind, we steal him from the studio, into the arms of the wheat fields nearby. So thin, so thin... almost driven by the rural wind, he, a blazing vermillion from head to heel, walks like a king who knows just where to bow. As we match steps, slipping into his sway, he begins.
No, he didn't choose music...
In Mehma Shahwala village in Bathinda, a farmer's son would dance to Chamkilas and Kuldip Manaks in empty afternoons. The father found hope. After all, he fancied a son who'd sing. The five-year-old laid out the deal: Buy me a Ranger bicycle; I shall learn to sing. The father promptly returned with the bait and the 'baaja' - the eternal harmonium. And Kanwar Grewal pedalled away into the world of the seven notes.
Ishq Song Lyrics Kanwar Grewal
Song :- Ishq
Singer :- Kanwar Grewal
Faqran Ne sab rabb te shaddya , nah koi fiker nah fhaaka
Aa Masta ne Sab Rabb Te Shaddya , Nah Fikker Nah Fhakka
nach ke yaar mna ke tur gaye , tey loki kehn siyaapa
sadi wali tennu nahio charni , chache khaali karde pee pee theke
tere ch fakeer nachda , tey rabb sammne beth ke dehke
tere ch fakeer nachda , tey rabb sammne beth ke dehke
tere ch fakeer nachda
Ishq Bulla Nu nachave ta Yaar nachna painda ea
Vey Kasma ,
Ishq Bulla Nu nachave ta Yaar nachna painda ea
sammne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaa
sammne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaa
sammne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaa
O Ajja yaaaaaaaaaaaar de dedaar ajja yaaar de dedaar
ishq bulle de vehre vardya , ander bhamed machya
ishq de gungru pake bulla , yaar de vehre nachya
gaal hoje vasso baar ta nachna painda eaaaa
saamne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaaa
saamne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaaa
saamne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaaa
O Ajja yaaaaaaaaaaaar de dedaar ajja yaaar de dedaar
wah waa re mouj fakeera di , waah waah re mouj fakeera di
kadde ta pehnen makhmal jhaariya , kaddi ghod´di leeran di
waah waah re mouj fakeera di , wah waah re mouj fakeera di
rabb de ghar ton gaal nah murdi , tur darghao gaal nah murdi
wah wah re mouj fakeera di , wah wah re mouj fakeera di
wah wah re mouj fakeera di , wah wah re mouj fakeera di
Bulla phulla peer wallo jad dil vich hert ayyi
kanjri banyan izzat nah katt´di nachke yaar banayi ........2
o bullyan nach ke yaar manayi
jaad akhiyan ho jaan chaar ta nachna painda jey
saamne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaaa
saamne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaaa
saamne hovein yaar ta nachna painda eaaa
O Ajja yaaaaaaaaaaaar de dedaar ajja yaaar de dedaar
Mast Bna Denge Song Lyrics Kanwar Grewal
Singer- Kanwar Grewal
Rom rom vich vasssajjan da
dad ae darvas sajjan da
Tur payi a hun yar de ghar nu
Dunia payi khasnma nu khave
Oh masti mai ferdi
Mera tunka yaar vajave
Oh masti mai ferdi
Ruh allah allah gaave Maulaaaaaaaa
Mast bna den ge biba..
nachan la den ge biba..x4
na jain Mastan de wehde..
mast bna den ge biba..x2
mast bna den ge biba..
nachan la den ge biba..
[na jain Mastan de wehde..
mast bna den ge biba..x2
Aesi mastan di yaari niiiiii
Bhul jayi ae dunia daari nii........x3
jado chad gy masti bahri ni
Teri hasti mitt jao saari niiiiiiii.....x3
Ehna ikko ghut peuni
Te hosh udda den ge bibaaaaaa
Na jaa mastan de vehde
Mast ban denge bibaaaaaaaaaaaa
Pakke mastan de bhaane
Ni tere badal denge bhaane niiiii
Jina surr paude taaa lale niiiiiiiiii
Nale bhajjan sain de gaaaaale niiii
Oh kanni mundraaaaaaaa
Kanni mundra kassa hath fada denge bibaaaaaa
na jai mastan de wehde
mast bna denge biba..
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